

Left:  The London ‘Unlock’ Walk  2024 On Saturday 27th. April Paul & Caroline Hayward, Pam & Martin Tidy and Gerhard von Caron completed this years walk on befalf of the Benefice. Thanks to all who sponsored them for the ‘Inner City Churches’ charity.


Return to Italy:  Over the weekend 26th - 29th April Revd. Paolo and Colin Scott visited our link parish of Calpino in the diocese of Urbino for the first time since 2019 and the COVID epedemic.   We had been invited to meet their new priest; don Sabu and many of our friends from past visits. We were able to discuss the future possibilities for our link which started in 2002.
A ‘Selfie’ with don Sabu, don Fabio and Revd. Paolo
After Sunday Mass group with many previous friends.