The United Benefice of Sharnbrook, Felmersham and Knotting with Souldrop

Our Services and Acts of Worship:

Our wide range of Services are designed to provide varied worship for all.  They are briefly outlined as follows and include the use of ZOOM for some services which wasused so successfully during the COVID pandemic:                               (Click here for the detailed Current Month's Service Schedule)  

Holy Communion:  

This is a commemoration of the last supper that Jesus spent with his disciples and is celebrated in the following formats as a regular family act of worship.  Note: Our main Sunday Choral Communion Service  alternates  between St. Mary’s and St. Peter’s Churches. A 9.00 am said communion takes place at the other Church The traditional form of the Book of Common Prayer (BCP) is used at the said mid-week communion services at St. Peter’s (every two weeeks) and also for the Sunday 9.00 am said communions. See details on the monthly service schedule. Common Worship Order 1 is used for the weekly 10.30 am Choral Parish Communion at St. Peters or St. Mary’s, also for the said weekly 9.00 am services at St. Mary’s and the  monthly (second sunday) at All Saints.  At St. Peter’s and St. Mary’s The Benefice Choir leads the singing of the communion setting and hymns.  This service includes a sermon and lasts approximately one hour. This service is ZOOMED for people to view from home Morning Prayer  This Common Worship service is used on Thursdays at 9.30 am  (ZOOM only)  


This traditional benefice service with a sermon and using the Book of Common Prayer is held bi-weekly at St. Peters at 6.00 pm (3.00 pm (Nov. - March) Hymns and canticles are sung. An occasional full Choral Evensong is held with a joint Benefice Choir.


Following all our Sunday morning services at St. Peter’s, St. Mary’s and All Saints (monthly Morning Worship) we enjoy coffee / refreshments and fellowship together.
The United Benefice of Sharnbrook, Felmersham and Knotting with Souldrop This page last updated 24/05/2024                      Comments / feedback: please contact: webmaster